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Wednesday, August 8th

6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.

Reservations Only: 10 Minute One-on-One Reading

with Refreshments $35

Limited Number of Tickets Available -

Reserve Your Spot by Calling 631 598-4400

Cindi Sansone-Braff


Best of Long Island 2010, 2011, 2012

Author of:

Grant Me A Higher Love: How to Go from the Relationship frm Hell to One that's Heaven Sent by Scaling the Ladder of Love


An award-winning playwright, Cindi Sansone-Braff, has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Connecticut. She is known as The Romance Whisperer, because she is a relationship coach and a psychic/medium and Tarot-therapist. Newsday has recommended her as one of the top six psychic/mediums on Long Island. She won The Long Island Press, Best of L.I. 2010 Contest in the Psychic Category. In 2011, she was named the Number 1 Psychic by The Long Island Press, and once again she captured the title of Best Psychic of 2012. Cindi tries to prove that death ends a life but not a relationship.




She is the author of Grant Me a Higher Love: How to Go from the Relationship from Hell to One that’s Heaven Sent by Scaling The Ladder of Love. This post 9-11, step-by-step spiritual guide to loving with the heart, soul, mind, and body is one of the most comprehensive studies of love you’ll ever encounter. It is one of Amazon’s bestselling books in the New Age/Channeling categories. She is also a Board Member of the Long Island Authors’ Group.


The BookGrant Me a Higher Love

Deeply spiritual in tone and bursting with brilliant insights, Grant Me a Higher Love: How to Go from the Relationship from Hell to One That’s Heaven Sent by Scaling The Ladder of Love by Cindi Sansone-Braff takes an all-encompassing look at how we love. Meaningful and heartfelt, this book not only shows people of all ages the way to manifest and keep a great love, but also leads them to a higher ground of self-awareness.

Starting from the premise that there are but two paths in life—that of fear and that of love, with wisdom and clarity Cindi teaches the art of unconditionally loving another with your entire heart, soul, mind, and body. Painstakingly thorough, these ways and means to love are further broken into nineteen easy-to-follow steps. From the concept of The Ladder of Love with its classification of relationships, to “A Detailed Explanation of the Top Seven Errors in Thinking Concerning Romantic Love,” this book moves the study of love into the realm of science.

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